Bindi Offers DTC Shipping of Italian Holiday Favorite Panettone

Bindi, a supplier of restaurant quality desserts for the foodservice community, is kicking off the holiday season by offering an assortment of Italian favorites, with free, direct-to-consumer shipping for orders placed online at bindiholidays.com.
The panettone, a yeast-leavened cake that can be dated as far back as the 15th century, is an Italian sweet bread that marks the beginning of the winter holiday season. Originated in Milan, Italy, and characterized by raisins and candied orange peels with its dome-like shape, the panettone can nowadays be found in many variations. Panettone is most also popularly enjoyed with coffee or wine or paired with cream, sweet spreads, or gelato.
Bindi’s holiday flavors include traditional panettone, limoncello, salted caramel and white chocolate, and triple chocolate.