Calculating Oxygen Permeation of Food, Beverage Packaging
Plastic Technologies, Inc. (PTI), Holland, Ohio, launched a new free app that calculates the oxygen permeation of food and beverage packaging structures and containers. Called PackLifeO2, the app is based on the M-Rule model and is available on iPhone/iPad and Android platforms.
“We designed this app as a ‘back-of-envelope’ calculator for specific materials and combinations. While it’s not an absolute decision-making tool, it does give users confirmation that they are headed in the right direction,” says Ron Puvak, director of business development and marketing.
The app contains five input sections—material, layers, concentration, conditions and results—designed to help the user quickly input data and obtain oxygen permeation results for their specific container.
The first screen asks the user to identify the packaging dimensions (surface area and capacity). Next, variables for material and thickness are entered (up to three layers can be used for the calculation.) The user selects the material options—polyethylene therephthalate, low-density polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonate and nylon 6— from a pull-down menu. (The selections default to predetermined crystalinities, which may or may not be representative of what is being used in the specific structure being evaluated). Each layer’s thickness in centimeters is also input.
The next screen asks for input of initial internal and external oxygen concentration at weight per volume parts per million. This is followed by temperature (relative humidity is preset at 50%) and time (number of days) over which the oxygen permeation should be calculated.
With those inputs in place, the user clicks on “graph” to pull up the next screen, which displays what happens to the parts per million of internal oxygen as the package is virtually subjected to the predetermined test period. (There is also a follow-up screen which displays a summary of the input variables).
The PackLifeO2 calculator is an ideal tool for packaging professionals, plastic processors, resin producers, lab techs, plant production, equipment manufacturers and others involved in the package selection process.
Plastic Technologies, Inc.