Refrigerated & Frozen Foods
MasterBilt Super Controller

Super Controller Yields Energy Savings

November 4, 2013

Master-Bilt, New Albany, Miss., unveiled the Super Controller, an option for additional energy efficiency on endless glass door merchandisers with remote refrigeration systems as well as walk-in coolers and freezers. MasterBilt Super Controller

The Super Controller’s ability to float the head pressure of condensing unit results in impressive energy savings. Simply stated, floating the pressure allows a condensing unit to use cold air to reduce compressor energy usage.

The Super Controller’s electric expansion valve, installed in an evaporator coil, is said to be more accurate than mechanical valves and responds to evaporator superheat for precisely regulated refrigerant flow. Efficient flow ensures optimum system performance and lower energy use.

Plus, the controller is factory pre-set and does not require additional re-setting, which saves costs on installation and service. 

Master-Bilt, a member of the Standex Food Service Equipment Group