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Continuous Motion Case Packer

November 8, 2013

Brenton, Alexandria, Minn., unveiled BrentonPro Mach-4 servo-continuous motion case packer, a high-speed, small-footprint machine capable of packing smaller 6- and 4-pack cases and fragile loads at speeds typically reserved for stable products.Banner engineering LED lighting

The Mach-4 packs up to 75 cases or trays a minute, including wrap-around, five-panel, RSC and harness types. It handles a wide range of irregular and standard-shaped bottles and other containers, as well as loose packs, Hi-Cones and bundles. The Mach-4 features rapid, tool-free changeovers, automatic size adjustments, product simulation and can run unattended.

Brenton, LLC, powered by Pro Mach, Cincinnati, Ohio