Refrigerated & Frozen Foods
Harrington Hoists air hoist

Spark-Resistant Washdown Air Hoists

March 4, 2015

Harrington Hoists, Inc., Manheim, Pa., introduced new AW Series certified spark-resistantwashdown air hoists, intended for use in humid, limited corrosive or Harrington Hoists air hoistoutdoor environments where equipment must be washed or hosed off frequently. These AW hoists feature an unpainted aluminum body, stainless steel and electro-plated external components, and the gear box and chain lubricants comply with FDA standards for use in food processing and food handling environments.

These severe duty-rated hoists come in ½- and 1-ton capacities with pendant, cord or twist rod control and can operate with or without lubrication in the air supply. Additional features include a patented heavy-duty disc brake, reliable vane motor for smooth operation and controlled travel, a bearing-supported planetary gearing system and upper/lower limit switches.

Harrington Hoists, Inc., a Kito Group company