Refrigerated & Frozen Foods
Dematic Multishuttle

Automated inventory staging buffer system

April 20, 2016

Dematic, Grand Rapids, Mich., introduced Multishuttle 2, an automated inventory staging buffer system designed to accommodate totes, trays and cases weighing up to 110 pounds.

Fifty percent lighter and twice as fast as its predecessor, the Dematic Multishuttle 2 is applicable for the temperature-controlled environment and is ideal for food handling in cooler and freezer applications. It incorporates advanced engineering and aluminum construction to create a lighter weight device, faster operating speeds, higher payload capacity and multi-deep storage capability.

The new flex model incorporates flexible load handling technology, enabling high-performance storage and retrieval of variable load sizes and formats without the use of trays. The unique load handling device “flexes” its high-speed telescopic arms to adjust to the exact width of the load to be handled, as fingers engage the product for transfer on and off of shuttle.

The Dematic Multishuttle 2 serves as a staging and sequencing engine to support many warehouse and production applications such as goods-to-person picking, pick face replenishment, kitting, order consolidation, mixed case palletizing and work-in-process storage. The system consists of multiple levels of racking, shuttles, buffer conveyors and software. Each level includes input/output conveyor and a shuttle that travels horizontally to access loads stored in the rack structure. An extraction device accesses the loads in the rack. At the end of each aisle, a vertical lift brings the load to the input/output conveyor. Load sequencing occurs as loads are retrieved in the order required for the order fulfillment function.

