Automonous mobile robot flow rack replenisher
Conveyco Technologies, Bristol, Conn., released Stacker-Bot, a flow rack autonomous mobile robot (AMR) replenisher that allows organizations to eliminate labor and increase accuracy and efficiencies around the clock.
The Stacker-Bot can store and retrieve up to five cases or totes in a single trip. It can retrieve inventory from the floor, shelf or a conveyor level. The AMR continues to pick up to five SKUs for one trip. It automatically picks a case or tote, scans the barcode and stores it in the Stacker-Bot on any of the five on-board shelves. It then uses its robot control system and communicates to the warehouse management system (WMS) host software system.
Once the Stacker-Bot retrieves up to five totes or cartons, the rack, shelf level and shelf location for each of the five SKUs is communicated to the Stacker-Bot. The robot always travels via the shortest path to its put-away location.
After the AMR picked up the product to be replenished, the Stacker-Bot uses its 2-dimensional camera technology to find its first location, then verifies its position by scanning the barcode on the rack and shelf level, and then automatically places the tote or case in the proper SKU location in the back of the flow rack. This operation is done transparently from the picking operator located at the front of the flow rack.
The Stacker-Bot travels to its next location and repeats this process until the load is depleted. It then goes back to the re-loading station to pick up more SKUs and repeats the process.
The Stacker-Bot can pick and stack up to five levels high or 102 inches tall. Its total capacity is up to 500 pounds per unit or 110 pounds per shelf level. The system travels of up to 1.64 feet per second via the shortest path to expedite its pickups and deliveries.
The Stacker-Bot is autonomous, and comes equipped with multiple and redundant safety protection, including a laser obstacle avoidance system to provide worker safety.
The Stacker-Bot system can be integrated with flow rack, rack, shelving, conveyor and automated storage and retrieval system workstation interfaces for both pickups and deliveries.
Conveyco Technologies