With this move, the company now known as Foster, will proudly operate the most robust food supply chain in the Mid-Atlantic, nourishing more people than ever before.
SeaCube Containers ordered 3,000 units of Carrier Transicold's advanced OptimaLINE refrigerated containers, making it the first major container leasing company to acquire the highly efficient systems.
E80’s new hub is focused on driving innovation together with customers and would-to-be customers to concept, design and develop integrated and flexible automated systems for their future logistics needs.
PLM Fleet has the nation’s largest and most diverse selection of refrigerated equipment, ranging in lengths from 28 to 53 feet, with single-temperature, multiple-temperature, or electric-only, including versatile liftgate options.
Beneficial where product freshness is concerned, they enable supply chain managers to monitor and predict real-time status, test various strategies in low-stakes and non-spoil environments and optimize operations.