Bon Dévil, the decadently rich ganache desserts that target flexitarian and vegan shoppers have launched their tantalizing lineup into natural and conventional grocers. Setting out to "raise hell" and disrupt an underserved segment, Bon Dévil has rolled out four flavors including Chocolate Ganache, Vanilla Ganache, Caramelized Banana Ganache, and Salted Caramel Chocolate Ganache. These 100% plant-based cups of dairy free, un-guilty pleasures are available now at grocers including Wegmans, Fresh Thyme, Meijer, The Fresh Market, Haggen, Bristol Farms, Amazon Fresh and others.
Few mortals can resist the devastating temptation of Bon Devil's heavenly coconut-based desserts. Each flavor is sold refrigerated and packaged in sets of four 1.6-ounce cups. As a sustainable, hellishly decadent premium product, Bon Dévil is devilish on the outside, yet angelic on the inside - 100% plant based with no dairy, no gluten, no GMOs, no sins and no compromise. Each ganache is made from coconuts, vegan certified, kosher and under 120 calories.
About Bon Dévil
Bon Dévil has set out to raise hell with their four different flavors of refrigerated desserts. They're free of all the sins of the dairy/dessert industry: plant-based, with no dairy, gluten, or evil GMOs, so consumers can indulge their desires and give into temptation without guilt. Find Bon Dévil in major US Natural, Conventional and Mass Grocers.