Videojet Technologies, Wooddale, Ill., helps manufacturers ensure their product and packaging coding is accurate and complicit with an enhanced version of its Videojet ClariSuiteCLARiSUITE software.

The new CLARiSUITE WebServer Edition offers functionality to help drive sustainable improvements in overall equipment effectiveness by helping manufacturers remove inefficiencies and the risk of operator error, including data entry and job selection. Furthermore, the upgraded software helps enable manufacturers monitor and control a specific job, line or printer from multiple locations, and is adapted to run as a service in modern IT environments with physical and virtual servers and no need for a hardware dongle.

In the event of a problem, CLARiSUITE WebServer allows manufacturers to respond more rapidly and minimize downtime, since operators with access to the web server can check the status of a job, regardless of their location. CLARiSUITE WebServer operates as a service independent from the main server—to meet IT infrastructure demands—so the main user administration interface is detached and runs on any machine on the network. Therefore, the monitoring software is always active, eradicating the need for human intervention to start the program each time, increasing production line productivity and around-the-clock performance reporting.

Videojet Technologies, Inc.