With over 1,400 price look-up codes (PLUs) now in use around the globe, the International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS), UK, launched a user-friendly app to help users from across the supply chain source PLUs.
“By expanding accessibility to the PLU system, our goal is to expand adoption of this standardized product identification system and the business efficiencies that result from it,” says Ed Treacy, chairman of the board of directors, and vice president of supply chain efficiencies for the Produce Marketing Association, Newark, Del. “This app makes it just that much easier for everyone to look up numbers, and the website’s search enhancements go a long way to satisfy the fast-growing adoption of PLUs in Spanish-language countries such as Mexico.”
To aid fresh produce shippers in synchronizing their data, the mobile app and the enhanced website search engine also includes a link with the GS1 Global Classification Code (GPC), including mapping between the PLUs and GPC for companies who use PLUs and the GS1 Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN).