Hänel Storage Systems, Pittsburgh, Pa., implemented “smart picking” into its WLAN-enabled devices.

This future-centric order picking solution is based on HänelSoft warehouse management software. By using the “collective order module,” several job orders can be combined in one aggregated picking transaction.

The picking process conducted at the Hänel lifts and in the warehouse rack area typically involves the use of a transport cart that carries a bin for each individual order. The order bins are fitted with web devices that show employees which bins are to be used for put-and-pick operations. HänelSoft generates the user interfaces on the Hänel controllers as well as those on the web devices. The web devices or barcode scanners allocate the bins, then orders can be distributed or consolidated across several order bins.

In addition to pick-by-light and put-to-light functionalities, the system controller and the web devices on the transport carts also display information such as item numbers, inventory levels, etc.

Hänel Storage Systems