The plant sits on approximately 34.5 acres and features numerous loading docks and access points.
November 15, 2016
General Mills, Minneapolis, sold its New Albany, Ind., dough products manufacturing plant to a joint venture of New Mill Capital Holdings and Tiger Capital Group.
General Mills, Minneapolis, expanded its Totino's brand to include Totino's Pizza Sticks and Totino's Stuffed Nachos, available in retailers nationwide.
The program will drive more acres in the United States into the organic certification process, and builds upon General Mills' commitment to double the organic acreage from which it sources ingredients by 2019.
June 9, 2016
Minneapolis-based General Mills announced a strategic sourcing partnership with Organic Valley, La Crosse, Wis., to help about 20 U.S. dairy farms add around 3,000 acres of organic dairy production over the next three years.
The increased acreage is directly linked to the company’s goals to grow net sales from its natural and organic products.
March 11, 2016
Minneapolis-based General Mills announced plans to accelerate its commitment to more than double the organic acreage from which it sources ingredients.