InnovAsian Cuisine, Seattle, Wash., expanded its line of ethnic foods to include Southeast Asian frozen dishes that can be made in a matter of minutes.
Perdue Farms Inc., Salisbury, Md., said it launched of a series of documentary-style TV spots to unveil its first national campaign, "We Believe in a Better Chicken."
Cono Italiano, Inc., Red Bank, N.J., said it purchased equipment to process its Pizza Cono product, a unique cone-shaped frozen pizza for QSR, take-out and leisure foodservice operations.
Back when V8 engines ruled the road, movie theaters had ashtrays, and terms like "Google" and "Twitter" meant nothing, there was one Asian cuisine that found a place on the plates of American consumers – Chinese food.
They're delectable, delicious -- and full of dietary fiber! That's how Nestle Prepared Foods, Solon, Ohio, talks about new Spa Cuisine entrees from Lean Cuisine.