The PalletPal Roll-On with Turntable from Southworth Products, Portland, Maine, features a platform that lowers to floor height, so that pallets can be placed and removed using a hand pallet truck.
With the proper design, selection and operation of the system, here’s how to prolong the life of the equipment, cut maintenance costs and enhance safety.
Pallet Shuttle is an automated deep lane pallet storage and retrieval system (AS/RS).
February 24, 2017
Distribution Property Solutions, Inc. (DPSI), a turnkey provider of unique high-density storage systems based in Irvine, Calif., formed an agreement with Storage Management Systems (SMS) of South Africa to expand manufacturing operations of its Pallet Shuttle System to the United States.
ORBIS Corp., Oconomowoc, Wis., introduced what is said to be the only 40x48-inch top cap and pallet system available in the packaged goods and food processing industries.
Automation Plus, a Stoughton, Wis.-based division of CSF Inc., introduced the Pallet Return Device (PRD) product line to be used in distribution centers, general warehousing facilities, manufacturing facilities, food and beverage plants and retail stores.