This transaction will help to scale operations to meet existing customer demand.
August 22, 2019
CoveMark, a Dallas-based private equity firm, announced plans to partner with Capra Foods, Goldthwaite, Texas, to scale operations to meet existing customer demand.
Turi Foods is an Australia-based poultry processor, supplying to major supermarkets, quick-service restaurants, specialty chicken retailers, butcher shops and roast chicken outlets.
May 8, 2018
OSI International Foods (Aust) and Turi Foods completed a merger of their Australian operations, to be called Turosi Pty Ltd.
Skilcor Food Products maintains annual sales of approximately $27 million and operates out of a specially designed 34,000-square-foot facility that was built in 2006.
September 28, 2017
Premium Brands Holdings Corp., Canada, acquired a 100% interest in Ontario, Canada-based Skilcor Food Products, a manufacturer of cooked back ribs and other unique protein products.
Stampede Meat, Inc. is a protein solutions company, specializing in portioned, marinated and cooked beef, chicken and other protein products for restaurants, retail, home delivery and other channels.
June 28, 2017
Wynnchurch Capital, LLC, a Rosemont, Ill.-based middle-market private equity firm, completed an investment in Stampede Meat, Inc.
Tri-way completed the acquisition of assets held in Aquafarms 2, 3, 4 and 5 from their respective owners/investors.
March 2, 2017
Sino Agro Food, Inc. (SIAF), a China-based investment company focused on protein foods, including seafood and cattle, carved out Tri-way Industries Ltd., the holder of enzyme technology master license for manufacturing of livestock feed and bio-organic fertilizer.
This is Colorado Premium’s third major expansion in the past three years.
January 20, 2017
Colorado Premium, a Greeley, Colo.-based protein processor serving retailers, restaurant chains and private labels worldwide, announced plans to invest $15 million and create 190 jobs in a food processing plant in Carrollton, Ga., by the end of 2018.