In an industry that supplies food to the public, retailers are the closest link to the consumer, and the first to suffer when food is found to be contaminated or improperly labeled.
Germany-based Eye Vision Technology (EVT), developed EyeVision 3D, which features a combination of different 3D sensors, such as automation technology or smart sensors, making it suitable for the inspection of fruits and vegetables.
Olympus Automation Ltd. (OAL), UK, launched APRIL Eye, what is said to be the world’s first artificial intelligence-based vision system for date code verification.
Key Technology, a member of the Duravant family of operating companies, Walla Walla, Wash., introduced ADR EXOS, an automatic defect removal system for potato strips.
BEA Lasers, Elk Grove Village, Ill., introduced Eagle Eye Sensors, a through-beam photoelectric laser source (emitter) and receiver, ideal for detecting the presence of objects.