Members of the American Culinary Association named ciabatta and focaccia “hot” food items in the National Restaurant Association (NRA) 2007 Chef Survey. In fact, premium breads are increasing in popularity across the board.
Data from a recent study by Tyson Foodservice, Springdale, Ark., and TechnomicInc., Chicago, indicated that this on-the-go, hectic lifestyle has caused snack consumption to rise.
"Flavor of Love" sounds like a slogan from a McDonalds ad campaign. However, its actually a VH1 reality TV show that features 90s rap star Flavor Flav, and his search for the woman of his dreams.
It could be argued that there really isn't much "reality" in reality TV. It's not often that we find ourselves singing in front of millions of viewers, as contestants do every week on Fox's "American Idol," or dating 25 people at once, as "The Bachelor" does on ABC's reality TV show.
By now you've probably heard about Michael Pollan's book, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto,
published this January. In it, Pollan addresses a question that any
American consumer might ask when faced with so much variety on
supermarket shelves, "What should I eat?"