Refrigerated & Frozen Foods to celebrate 30-year anniversary
Look for special editorial coverage and advertising opportunities and sponsorships throughout the year, both in print and online.

2020 marks Refrigerated & Frozen Foods’ 30-year anniversary. Thirty years of providing information on trends and technologies in packaging, food safety, energy management and supply chain and logistics.
Since our first publication in July 1990, we have experienced a slew of milestones.
For starters, just a few short years ago, we underwent a complete brand redesign. We continue to grow our social media presence. And, we work with some of the industry’s top experts to help educate processors and suppliers on hot-button, problem-solving solutions.
We host an annual Best New Retail Products contest online, which to date, experienced 28,415 page views in just a 1-month timeframe.
We attend and exhibit at some of the industry’s most relevant tradeshows and conferences.
We currently reach more than 14,500 North American operation, engineering, production and logistics executives in print.
We deploy a weekly e-newsletter to an average of 12,000-plus readers.
And, we continue to stay abreast of industry trends, challenges, technologies and solutions impacting the cold food and beverage industry, from agriculture to end user.
2020 is the year!
Join us on a journey through time, as Refrigerated & Frozen Foods revisits previously covered Processors of the Year to showcase growth, progress and success over the years.
We will also take a look back at how the industry has changed over the years, reveal where the industry currently stands and uncover what’s in store for the future of cold chain.
Look for special editorial coverage and advertising opportunities and sponsorships throughout the year, both in print and online.
And, most importantly, thank you. Thank you for growing up with us. Thirty is a big year. It’s the age when most people begin to evolve and really grow up. Keep that in mind, as Refrigerated & Frozen Foods continues to evolve and grow up.
Can’t wait to see how we’ll look in 30 years from now!