FLO-CORP, Medina, Ohio, created the CONNEX 3D QSR asset monitoring system, an all-in-one cloud-based monitoring system that measures and consolidates data into usable and essential information.
Today’s consumer packaged goods manufacturers are considering predictive maintenance as a way to significantly cut costs and realize efficiencies like never before.
Nelson-Jameson, a Marshfield, Wis.-based supplier to U.S. dairy processors, and its sister company Kaestner, LLC, a field service, preventative maintenance programs and project solutions provider also based in Marshfield, Wis., entered a strategic partnership with Valcour Process Technologies, a dairy equipment manufacturer headquartered in Peru, N.Y.
Take a look at your food processing or packaging lines, for instance, and consider how production would be affected if one or more of the supporting conveyors went down for maintenance.