Harrington Hoists has introduced their new CX010 mini hand chain hoist designed for use in high or difficult to reach areas. This hoist has a rated capacity of 1 Ton and is the third model in Harrington’s line of smallest and most lightweight hand chain hoists in the world. This hoist is available with 10 or 20 foot of lift and features a Twist Detector that visually identifies if the bottom hook has been capsized which alerts users to correct the resulting twisted chain before use.
Presto ECOA Lifts, Norton, Mass., introduced Trans-A-Dock Surface Mount Loading Dock Lifts, ideal for use in leased buildings or places where permanent installation is not possible or practical.
Randall Access, Elmhurst, Ill., introduced what is dubbed as the industry’s first floor deployed platform that combines a patent-pending grab handle for three points of contact.