Pilgrim's Pride Corp., a Greeley, Colo.-based unit of JBS Corp., announced several operational changes to improve efficiencies as part of its goal to generate approximately $200 million in savings in 2014.
According to a recent survey of more than 400 logistics managers questioned by U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Chattanooga, Tenn., only 59% of shippers use performance metrics to manage freight costs and only 43% are currently running or planning to implement a transportation management system (TMS).
Everyone hates traffic. It eats up time, wastes energy and emits harmful carbon dioxide. As population and urbanization increase, experts say traffic is only getting worse.
R&FF: What has Tyson been doing with third-party carriers?
We’ve worked toward joint value creation with our common carrier
partners for consistent lanes and volumes. We recognize that this
allows them to better plan their business.