High Liner Foods revamps its supply chain network and expands its frozen seafood facility to stay ahead of consumer demands and sustainability mandates.
For many seafood processors, pumping out a host of seafood fare can be a bit rudimentary. Frozen seafood comes in; frozen seafood ships out. But, for companies like High Liner Foods, all it takes is a bit of seasonings, sauces and different shapes to transform an ordinary product into something extraordinary.
Word in the halls of Process Expo 2013 was that some of our readers flip through Refrigerated & Frozen Foodsback to front instead of front to back. No, it’s not a Jewish thing or a Wisconsin thing (a friendly jab to my rival Packers fans, ha ha), but more or less an ad index thing.
Learn how processors and cold storage providers can benefit from technology that tracks both vehicle refrigeration performance and overall fleet performance in a single system.
Kraig Naasz, president and CEO of the American Frozen Foods Institute, changes the frozen foods conversation with the Frozen Food Roundtable, a conglomerate of leading frozen food processors and retailers whose goal is to change the way consumers think and feel about frozen foods.
Gone are the days of operators manually monitoring lines, adjusting and re-adjusting switches and scribbling results in a notebook. That’s because today’s operators can monitor energy usage, food safety measures and line efficiency across multiple plants or locations with a press of a button.