Consumers’ purchasing choices are influenced by the reduced plastic content of a product’s packaging. In fact, 35% of consumers were more likely to purchase products without any plastic at all compared to ones with recycled plastic, according to research presented by GlobalData, UK.
“This provides a specific insight for manufacturers, as consumers would pursue plastic-free packaging rather than recyclable,” says George Henry, consumer analyst. “Many brands and supermarket chains have either chosen to introduce packaging with reduced or recycled plastic. Therefore, the government’s announcement to invest £60m to help cut single-use plastics by creating new forms of biodegradable packaging will have its limitations, as consumers are influenced more by products without any plastic than biodegradable alternatives.”
“With countries like Malaysia and the Philippines now limiting the intake of plastic waste from abroad, the UK government has forced greener changes as a matter of national urgency, whether or not the biodegradable packaging route will sit well with consumers is still to be seen,” Henry adds.