Butterball, LLC named Prime inc. as the Butterball Carrier of the Year for 2012. Prime inc., Springfield, Mo., has been serving Butterball as a valued partner since Butterball’s inception in 2006.
Lineage Logistics, a Colton, Calif.-based warehousing and logistics company sponsored by San Francisco-based Bay Grove Capital LLC, acquired the assets of SCS Refrigerated Services, LLC.
Hanson Logistics, St. Joseph, Mich., announced the Phase 3 expansion of its temperature-controlled Chicago Consolidation Center, located in Hobart, Ind.
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Congebec Logistics Inc., a Canada-based provider of refrigerated logistics services, acquired the assets of Westco MultiTemp Distribution Centres Inc., also based in Canada.
According to a recent survey of more than 400 logistics managers questioned by U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Chattanooga, Tenn., only 59% of shippers use performance metrics to manage freight costs and only 43% are currently running or planning to implement a transportation management system (TMS).
Refrigerated & Frozen Foods talks with Paul Kramer, director of logistics for Johnsonville Sausage, LLC, Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Find out how his team helps get product at their facilities in advance of demand.