Taste, price and convenience are no longer the sole deciding factors when consumers buy food and beverages, according to a new study from Deloitte Consulting LLP, New York; Food Marketing Institute (FMI), Arlington, Va.; and Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), Washington, D.C.
IRI’s latest Times & Trends report, “Taking Stock of CPG Past and Future: Gear Up Now for a Year of Growth,” analyzes the lessons learned in 2015 and provides insight into several key trends that will drive growth in 2016.
Interbrand, a New York-based brand consultancy, and Ready Set Rocket, a New York City-based digital marketing agency, announced seven technology trends that forward-looking brands can take advantage of in 2016.
Over the next year, mobile is expected to transform customer engagement. So, how can grocers use this to their advantage to increase basket size and instill brand loyalty?
Convenience, flavor, authenticity and freshness are what will drive consumer cheese purchases in 2016, according to the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board.
Food safety, healthy eating, food waste and big flavors are on the menu for 2016, according to a 2016 trends report released by Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center.
The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), Washington, D.C., launched the SmartLabel initiative, a push for labels with barcodes that scan to manufacturer’s websites and provide ingredient and sustainability information.
A.T. Kearney’s third annual survey of U.S. shoppers’ local food-buying habits finds that local food has made the leap from a “hot” consumer trend to a central growth driver for grocery retailers and restaurants.