Speaking at Tyson Foods’ annual shareholders meeting, interim President and CEO Leland Tollett said officials at this Springdale, Ark.-based company have a “sense of urgency” and remain committed to key growth strategies.
A self-proclaimed “packaging” and “product” addict, I am the type of person who could spend hours in a Target store just looking at all the boxes and bags of goodies, giving special attention to those marked “new packaging,” “now with more flavor!” or “on sale for a limited time only.”
Built into the side of a hill, OSI Group’s Oakland Foods processing plant looks deceivingly small as you approach it along U.S. Highway 59. That’s because the bulk of this 350,000-square-foot protein processing facility’s roof is flush with the grass that meets the highway - giving the building’s exhaust stacks the appearance of coming straight out of the ground.
Can a company actually expand its horizons by narrowing its focus?
While it seems counterintuitive, executives say this strategy is reaping major rewards for the OSI Group, Aurora, Ill.
Last year, OSI executives committed to continue to focus on what this company does best - working hand-in-hand with a core group of customers to create long-term, strategic partnerships.
Data from Information Resources Inc. (see chart) suggest that sales of nearly all refrigerated and frozen meat and poultry items have either been flat or declining.